Friday, March 21, 2014

Color on color

Happy Spring! Color is starting to bloom from nature to fashion! Put away your boots and heavy coats and take out your sandals and cardigans. Spring is such a happy time, people are in better moods and everyone begins going outdoors again.

Although I am able to wear shorts all year long, many people are not. This season is all about dressing in color. It can be hard for people like me who always like to wear black and white to start adding brightness into their wardrobe. A trick which makes a huge difference is by adding a tint of color into your outfit. For example, if you are wearing a black top and bottom instead of adding gold or silver jewelry add a colorful long necklace or earrings. A tint of color changes your entire look!

Here are some fun colorful pieces to add into your closet:

Jewelry says it all! 



Fun in the sun!

Who says phones can't be accessorized?

Work those legs!

Sun, Sandals, Sand, Sea Shells, and Sweaters

You know what they say, white always works! 

Flats are back!

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