Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Wonderland

The whole "you can't wear white after Labor Day," idea is starting to fade more and more each year. There is something about the color white that is so classic and chic why should you not be able to wear it during the winter? In the outfit I have put together all the pieces are white but, you do not need to go to that extreme. White is such a good color to add into an outfit. If you are in a rush or need to find something quick white or black are definitely go to colors. By the way, how amazing are these heels?
Winter Wonderland

Jason Wu top

White pants

Clip earrings

Sweater Weather? More Like 10 Blankets and Comfy Pajamas

Luckily in Puerto Rico it is still warm and sunny but, I cannot even imagine how cold it is right now in other parts of the United States. Seeing pictures and watching the news it is crazy how frozen and cold everything looks. When I think of snow storms I always think of this one time I was in Colorado and there was a huge storm. My family and I were snowed in at the hotel we were staying at and the hotel had all sorts of projects set up for the kids and we made a lll different pottery and art decorations. There is only one thing I can think about doing in such cold weather and that is staying home! My perfect day for being stormed in would be:

Getting cozy


Watching movies or a series on Netflix

Drinking hot chocolate or coffee

Eating chicken noodle soup

Baking something yummy

Painting my nails

Monday, January 6, 2014

3 words, 12 letters, Happy New Year

Happy 2014 to everybody! I don't think it is just me but I feel each year keeps going by even faster than the one before. Before 2013 ended, I thought about all the experiences and memories I had throughout the year. I traveled, interned at Teen Vogue, finished my first year of high school, Alexis went off to college, I made some amazing new friends and kept amazing old ones, and so much more.

To finish off 2013 I went to Casa de Campo in the Dominican Republic with my friend, Katia and her family. I had such an amazing time! While we were their we laid out in the sun, went to the pool and beach, and took a cooking class. The food in the Dominican Republic is incredible, so I loved being able to learn some of their recipes. We also went jet skiing, tubing, biking, and clay shooting. For New Years Eve we went on the boat during the day to a little island and then celebrated at two different parties during the night.

One of my favorite parts of starting the new year is seeing how involved people get into their new years resolutions. It is so nice seeing everyone try to resolve their own personal issues because there is a new year. Society has created this idea that a new year also means a new person and new beginnings. I think it is important for people to know that December 31, ---- is no different from January 1, ---- unless one makes significant changes in their life. If someone wants a new chapter in their life they need to make certain steps to make that change occur. Some resolutions are harder to achieve than others but if you really want that change in your life, one can definitely make it happen. It is important for people to know that making changes in ones life does not require a new year but instead, at any point one is ready too. Remind yourself of the goals you have everyday and different ways you can achieve them. Don't wait until the moment comes to you to achieve a goal but instead, do what you can in the meantime to make that goal happen. Something one wants does not just come to them from waiting around but instead from working hard.

I am nervous and excited to see what this year has to come! Already so much is happening but I am looking forward to many new experiences. One of the major events taking place this month is my family and I are moving to a new apartment. I guess a new year is bringing a fresh start.