11 days ago my emotions consisted of exhaustion and excitement! I was tired from studying for all my finals but extremely happy because summer break had officially begun. I could not have asked for a better school year. I was able to keep good grades, travel, and have many new experiences with friends and family.
This past week and a half of summer have been extraordinary! I have been jam packed with activities. If this is an example of what my entire summer is going to look like lets just say I am a little excited. Some of the highlights so far have been a graduation party, prom, Casa de Campo for the weekend, and going to Mar Chiquita to celebrate my birthday. I danced so much in the graduation party that the next morning I had blisters all over my feet. I wore a pair of gorgeous shoes that weren't so comfortable. It wasn't actually my birthday yesterday but we celebrated it because I won't be in Puerto Rico on the actual day. My birthday is straight in the middle of summer so I never get to celebrate it with my friends from home and I wanted to do something special this year. Living in PR most activities revolve around going to the beach and pool so I decided to take all my friends to a beach called Mar Chiquita for the day. I had the most amazing time!
Here are some pictures from summer so far:
Class Bonding
Graduation Party
Casa de Campo
Mar Chiquita